Growing Indoors vs Outdoors

We’ve balanced soils in both the indoor and outdoor growing environments and have identified key differentiators and similarities in these two worlds.  The main difference is the soil volume/weight associated with the plant.  Indoor soil volume/weight (pots) is usually small making the indoor growing system small.   Small systems have no momentum so the growing parameters can change very quickly as result of any perturbation.  On the other hand, when growing outdoors (plants planted in the ground), the soil volume/weight is larger which creates a much larger momentum factor and this making the parameters are much slower to change.  Therefore, it's much easier to control an outdoor system than an indoor one.  That’s why considerable input is required by man to control an indoor system. Never-the-less, whether indoor or outdoor, PROBIOTICS will greatly reduce the amount of input by you and allow you to move toward an autonomous system with far less errors/mistakes. To assist in the control of either systems, indoor and/or outdoor laboratory analysis will greatly help in identifying the whether the parameters have fallen out-of- the target  ranges.  Target data of the parameters allow a holistic approach for trouble shooting issues.    



In an outdoor growing environment some of growing parameters, are essentially set by Mother Nature. Mother Nature can be unpredictable at times, but by taking a PROBIOTICS approach one can help level the playing field by building up the natural immunity and resiliency of the plant.  This gives you a far better chance to control the wrath of Mother Nature without using excessive toxic chemical, pesticides, fungicides and herbicide. 

Indoor growing on the other hand is much more fraught with potential pitfalls.  Indoor plants generally experience a greater intervention from “Man” with simulated seasonal and environmental growing conditions. Indoors the "Man" controls many more parameters including using simulated light, time of light, temperature composition of air (added carbon dioxide), air flow, soil composition, humidity, water amounts and composition, and fertilizer regiments.  Using light and additives to accelerate the time-line, growers typically overload their soils with phosphorus, effectively poisoning the microbial support system, lessening the plant’s immune capability, and enlisting toxic chemicals pesticides and fungicides to compensate for the weakened microbial system. Indoor operations can be rewarding, however, on the other hand they can also be disastrous. The soil volume/weight in an indoor system are also usually small making it very difficult to control growing parameters since they can change very rapidly.  Again, analyses are extremely important and the application of the PROBIOTIC APPROACH will greatly improve your level of success by building nutrient transport system and the natural immunity of the plant resulting in a  minimum use of toxic chemical pesticides, fungicides, herbicides.

With our experience both indoor and outdoor we’ve established a step by step system, PROBIOTICS, to balance the soil in a chemical, physical,  microbial  and high energy  manner.  The result of using PROBIOTICS builds the natural immunity of the plant and allows you to avoid the use of toxic chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.  The product of PROBIOTICS is creating a soil  that is regenerative in nature, is maximized in soil  fertility  and is  able to be reused. 


Begin your soil with PROBIOTICS, a balance in chemical, physical , microbial  and high energy parameters. With a better nutrient transport system and a stronger more fortified immune system , your plants will be more capable of handling the human intervention of pushing the plant to accelerate it at various stages without crashing it’s immune system or poisoning the plant with extreme levels of phosphorus and/or other toxic substances. 

Soils with rich microbial communities do not require the use of toxic chemicals, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.  The more mature your microbial community the better your plants immune and nutrient transport system will perform.  So, as your soil ages, year after year, the better your soil fertility will be.  The better the plant immune system and nutrient transport system, the better the plant flowering, flavor, smell, color and quantity will be.

Using a combination of symbiotic microbes instead of toxic chemicals, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides avoids the presence of harmful chemicals and metals in your soil rendering it ideal for regeneration and reuse.  Regardless of what you choose to grow,  it is this mature microbe and nutrient rich soil that provides the optimum foundation for the healthiest and highest quality produce that is not contaminated with toxic chemicals, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.